National Be an Angel Day | August 22

On August 22nd, National Be an Angel Day encourages us to perform good deeds and show kindness to others. By supporting those in need and inspiring others to do the same, we can embody the spirit of an angel here on earth.


This day also honors those who have been angels in our lives. We all experience bad days, whether due to bad news or poor planning. During these times, a kind word, a hug, or even a pleasant atmosphere can make a significant difference.

Sometimes, we face more devastating challenges like loss, illness, or overwhelming news that can drain our spirits. Angels in our lives provide comfort and support when we need it most. Similarly, we can be angels to others, offering kindness in big and small ways, whether or not we know what they are going through. Even simple gestures, like inviting someone for a meal or offering a listening ear, can greatly alleviate their stress.

Recognizing someone’s efforts is another way to be an angel. Complimenting their stamina, talent, or progress boosts their morale and energy. Every time we see someone in need, we have an opportunity to help. Assist an elderly neighbor with lawn care, or consider single parents when planning playdates, as they and their children need social interaction too.

Valuing someone’s time, effort, and presence is important. Don’t hesitate to express your appreciation. Although we are individual people, we thrive through our connections with others. Look out for each other.

How to Observe National Be an Angel Day

  • Be someone’s angel by offering a listening ear, a helping hand, or a comforting shoulder.
  • Practice patience, especially when it’s challenging.
  • See beyond complaints to understand the underlying pain or exhaustion.
  • Notice worry, not just anger.
  • Look at the whole person, not just a moment of their life.
  • Hold a hand when there’s nothing else that can be done.
  • Dry a tear and thank the angels in your life.

Use #BeAnAngelDay to share your acts of kindness on social media.

National Be an Angel Day History

In 1993, Jayne Howard Feldman created National Be an Angel Day to encourage acts of kindness.

Let’s make a difference by spreading kindness and support on this special day!

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National Be an Angel Day | August 22

On August 22nd, National Be an Angel Day encourages us to perform good deeds and show kindness to others. By supporting those in need and